Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Day.

I know I owe this blog a big update with all of the updates on my life and the great photos I have. But right now I am just happy. And thankful. I am not sure what I did to be so blessed. I feel so supported by the people around me and so loved. I am part of something bigger than myself and I am so thankful for the chance I have to serve daily. It's crazy how the Lords plan for our lives can be so different than our own. But his is so right. Trust in the Lord people. It will change your whole outlook on life. Happiness is possible in this messed up crazy world. I promise.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hi, I'm Breanna the RA.

So as of Friday I am moved into my new apartment in Wasatch Hall where I will be the RA for the next school year! Yay!

Training started Saturday with a retreat up to Bear Lake. It was so much fun. I had a great time getting to know the other staff and some of the staff who isn’t in our area. We had some great lectures and activities that have really gotten me excited about this next year.

The pressure is still on though. What if I can’t meet the needs of all 77 of my residents? What if they think I’m a joke? All of those self doubt questions have passed through my mind this past weekend. It’s a lot of pressure to know you are in charge of that many people and meeting their needs in so many areas. But I think that’s how it is in life. We always have those doubts and fears that we just need to face and get over, end of story.

But don’t get me wrong, I am super excited and I have a lot of faith in myself! I know this is where the Lord wants me to be. It just worked out perfectly that I got this job and that I ended up in this area of housing. I know my residents are going to be great and that we will have so much fun! I have great things planned and I know I will have great support from the other staff in my area. I am thankful for the challenging opportunity to do this!

On the down side, I can’t move into my room until Monday night because the summer RA is still living in it… So I have all of my stuff piled in boxes in another room. My OCD is killing me people. I can’t wait until I can put everything away and organize it!

Go Aggies!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Am Behind...

On my missionary letters. BUT I am catchin’ up tonight. No stress.

One of my friends, Elder Covey, told me to look up his companion on YouTube. Pretty much I want to meet him and be his friend. Please enjoy as I have.

P.S. I'm not a creep or anything.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You know, July 24th....

It’s days like today that I feel humbled and I feel like my life is put a bit more into perspective. I got to hear a lot of pioneer stories today, some I had never heard. I had amazing ancestors who gave so much for me to be where I am today.

Sometimes I feel like my trials are the hardest thing in the world. I feel discouraged and upset because they aren’t “fair”.

 What a juvenile thing to be thinking. I could have never been a pioneer. I would like to think that I would have the faith to do it. But man, I really am not sure on that one. They went through SO much. Things I couldn’t even start to wrap my head around. My trials seem so meaningless compared to the things they suffered. I guess we just live in a different time and temptations and trials are so different.

It’s crazy how much the early members of the church gave for us, their posterity. What a great example they are. I am thankful we have a day to remember them and to relive their memory and the great things they did for us.

I don’t want this post to sound like a testimony. Ha, if it does I am sorry. I am just thankful for my ancestors and all of the people who gave so much for me to have the knowledge and freedom I have today. It’s such a cool thing to think about. I hope I can make them proud.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fine, I'll blog again.

Lecy, I am pretty much doing this for you becuase I am almost sure you are the only one who reads my blog. If anyone else is reading it, thank you and I'm sorry I have been missing in action.

I think once finals were over I didn't want anything to do with a computer or my laptop. SO  the blog went to pot. But I promise I will try to do better. :)

Well how about I catch you up in pictures? Okay.

My room in San Juan 202 went from this:

 To this:                                  
I went to the grand canyon!
 I have had lots of friends get married.
 I turned 19!
 Went to the manti.
 Got the best summer job EVER! Where I get to work with my great cousins and other wonderful kids! (how cute is she? I really wanted a pair of those glasses. She got the last ones.)
 I have had a lot of Macey's ice cream with friends.

 Best of all.... I got the calling as an assistant camp director in my ward! So I got to go to Girls Camp with my sisters!
 We saw cow-bears!

 And pretty much by the end we looked like this... But it was so totally worth it.
....Except tomorrow I have to give a big girl talk and repot on it. Wish me luck?

My summer has been differnt than I expected it to be. It's hard with friends gone on missions and everyone else pretty much moved on. I am at a weird stage in life. It freaks me out. Oh well though!

In about two weeks I move back up to Logan to start training for my job as an RA. I am pretty freaked out about it. But, at the same time I am so excited. I know this year has great things in store for me.

The end.

Because you made it to the end of my post I have a reward for you. Enjoy this video.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gotta Love a Sunday.

This whole weekend was amazing.

Today was especially great.

After being home all weekend I drove myself back up here to Logan so I could make it to the last meeting with my sweet singles ward. Let me just tell you, it was one of the most incredible three hours I have had in a long time. My ward is always pretty good; I always seem to get something out of each meeting. But today my testimony was strengthened and my heart is so full of gratitude.

In my ward we have Relief Society, then Sunday School, and last of all Sacrament Meeting.

 For the first meeting we were combined with the guys and our Bishop gave the lesson. He talked about prayer and how we need to pray morning, afternoon, evening, and night. He also talked about what those prayers should include and what we should be thinking about while we give those prayers. He related those prayers to our life in college. How we start out in the morning or beginning of the year sharing our plans with the lord and setting goals. In the afternoon or later in the year we should ask for help and support and readjust our plan based on the circumstances. In the evening or further in the year we should continue to ask for support and be aware of the support and help that has already been given to us. At night or end of the year we have our “final” and we should report back to the Lord what we have learned, the things we are thankful for, and how we have lived that day/ year. It’s important to look back and see what we have done right and what we need to improve on. Later on in his lesson he opened it up to all of us to come up and share what we have learned this year and what being at college has taught us about the gospel and ourselves. Of course there was a thousand people who went up (only in a singles ward, right?) so I didn’t get a chance to get up and share. But, I have been thinking about how much I have learned and changed over the course of the past 9 months. Here is just a few of the things that have come to mind when thinking about this question:

-I know that the Lord has a plan for all of us. I fight him a lot on what I’m supposed to do and I don’t always listen the first time. But, I know his plan is better than mine.

-The Lord will make his plan come to pass even if I have no idea how it’ll work. I guess what I’m trying to say is trusting in the Lord is key.

-I don't need to always have a plan for every step of my life as long as I am listening to the spirit.

-I can do hard and scary things like move 100 miles away from home.  

-The Gospel is a way of life. It’s not just a Sunday thing. I have seen lots of people lose their footing in college. It’s not easy to hold your ground and stand up for your values. You have to always be on guard and decided before hand what you stand for.

-Scripture study is a matter of life or death. It's pretty much the best things ever.

-I am discovering just how truly blessed I am. I still take a lot for granted and I am not anywhere near perfect. But, I have never felt more thankful to the Lord in my life. I have been so deeply blessed.

-(I know a lot of these sound the same. I have to share them though.) The Lord loves me and everyone around me. In those moments of disappointment and frustration he is there and always will be.

-The Atonement covers more than just sin. It covers all form of emotion that we will experience in life. If we take advantage of the priceless gift just waiting for us, we will save ourselves a lot of pain.

-The Lord puts the people in our lives that we really need at the time we need them.

-I can be a big girls and make big girl choices.

-When it’s too hard to stand I better get my knees or I may be in trouble. Prayer has been such a great blessing to me. I am not sure what I would do without it.

-I love my family so much. I have been so blessed to be related to such strong people. I have missed them all so much!

-I am honestly a tool in the Lords hands. He can use us to bless the lives of others in so many ways. We just have to listen to the Spirit.

-I know I said this before, but I am so blessed. I am so thankful for all of the experience I have had this year and all of the tender mercies the Lord has shown me.

Okay, I know you are sick me of spilling my guts out. But, I really am so thankful tonight. I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. I have had so much fun and met so many amazing people. Sometimes I’m amazed at how talented and strong people are up here. It’s almost intimidating to be around them.  But, I have been accepted and loved by so many and I am going to miss them all.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission...

Today was one of those Sundays that are just perfect.

The weather was to die for, everyone seemed to be in a good mood, and church was beyond great.

In sacrament meeting a lot of the people who are in my ward who have their mission calls or have their papers in got up and shared their testimonies. I am pretty sure the world is in good hands. After those boys and a few sisters shared experiences and testimonies purely from inspiration I was blown away. The spirit was so strong in that meeting. It was such a cool thing to be a part of.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think it’s a miracle that 19 year old boys can go out and do so much good in the world. I look up to those young men. The sisters who serve too are an inspiration. I am so proud of the people I have been blessed to call my friends who are out in the field or are headed out there soon. I look up to each one of them.

Missionary work is a powerful thing. I guess today I was reminded that there is a lot of good in the world and we are spreading it one person at a time.

On a side note, good luck to my friend Josh who is leaving Wednesday. The people of Mississippi don’t know what’s about to hit them. You will be a wonderful missionary.

Lets all remember to keep those sweet missionaries and the people seeking their message  in our prayers.