Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Am Behind...

On my missionary letters. BUT I am catchin’ up tonight. No stress.

One of my friends, Elder Covey, told me to look up his companion on YouTube. Pretty much I want to meet him and be his friend. Please enjoy as I have.

P.S. I'm not a creep or anything.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You know, July 24th....

It’s days like today that I feel humbled and I feel like my life is put a bit more into perspective. I got to hear a lot of pioneer stories today, some I had never heard. I had amazing ancestors who gave so much for me to be where I am today.

Sometimes I feel like my trials are the hardest thing in the world. I feel discouraged and upset because they aren’t “fair”.

 What a juvenile thing to be thinking. I could have never been a pioneer. I would like to think that I would have the faith to do it. But man, I really am not sure on that one. They went through SO much. Things I couldn’t even start to wrap my head around. My trials seem so meaningless compared to the things they suffered. I guess we just live in a different time and temptations and trials are so different.

It’s crazy how much the early members of the church gave for us, their posterity. What a great example they are. I am thankful we have a day to remember them and to relive their memory and the great things they did for us.

I don’t want this post to sound like a testimony. Ha, if it does I am sorry. I am just thankful for my ancestors and all of the people who gave so much for me to have the knowledge and freedom I have today. It’s such a cool thing to think about. I hope I can make them proud.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fine, I'll blog again.

Lecy, I am pretty much doing this for you becuase I am almost sure you are the only one who reads my blog. If anyone else is reading it, thank you and I'm sorry I have been missing in action.

I think once finals were over I didn't want anything to do with a computer or my laptop. SO  the blog went to pot. But I promise I will try to do better. :)

Well how about I catch you up in pictures? Okay.

My room in San Juan 202 went from this:

 To this:                                  
I went to the grand canyon!
 I have had lots of friends get married.
 I turned 19!
 Went to the manti.
 Got the best summer job EVER! Where I get to work with my great cousins and other wonderful kids! (how cute is she? I really wanted a pair of those glasses. She got the last ones.)
 I have had a lot of Macey's ice cream with friends.

 Best of all.... I got the calling as an assistant camp director in my ward! So I got to go to Girls Camp with my sisters!
 We saw cow-bears!

 And pretty much by the end we looked like this... But it was so totally worth it.
....Except tomorrow I have to give a big girl talk and repot on it. Wish me luck?

My summer has been differnt than I expected it to be. It's hard with friends gone on missions and everyone else pretty much moved on. I am at a weird stage in life. It freaks me out. Oh well though!

In about two weeks I move back up to Logan to start training for my job as an RA. I am pretty freaked out about it. But, at the same time I am so excited. I know this year has great things in store for me.

The end.

Because you made it to the end of my post I have a reward for you. Enjoy this video.